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Recent Successes And News
The Kensington White Plains Presents ‘Aphasia Explained: Expert Insights for Caregivers’
On Tuesday, January 21st, The Kensington White Plains will be offering an informative and educational event focused on understanding Aphasia. For more information, and to register, visit thekensingtonwhiteplains.com.
Medicare Open Enrollment
The Medicare Open Enrollment Period started on October 15th and ends on December 7th. This open enrollment period allows all people with Medicare to be able to review and update their Medicare health plans and prescription drug coverage to better meet their needs. The changes made during this enrollment period take place effective January 1, 2025.
During The Enrollment Period You Can:
- Join, drop, or switch to another Medicare Advantage Plan (or add or drop drug coverage).
- Switch from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage Plan or from a Medicare Advantage Plan to Original Medicare.
- Join a Medicare drug plan if you are in Original Medicare.
- Switch from one Medicare drug plan to another if you are in Original Medicare.
Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D
There are a number of different options to consider when signing up for Medicare. Medicare consists of four major programs:
- Part A covers hospital stays
- Part B covers physician fees
- Part C permits Medicare enrollees to receive their medical care from among a number of delivery options
- Part D covers prescription medications
You become eligible for Medicare Part A at age 65. If you are currently receiving Social Security benefits, you will be automatically enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B effective the month you turn 65. If you do not receive Social Security benefits, then you will need to sign up for Medicare, which automatically enrolls you in Part A. Medicare Part D (an optional coverage offered to everyone with Medicare) helps pay for prescription drugs. Since Medicare generally only covers 80% of your medical costs, it is recommended to obtain a Medigap (or supplemental) policy to cover the remaining percentage.
For more information on Medicare, and to compare plans, visit Medicare.gov.
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Kommer Bave & Ciccone LLP Walks To End Alzheimer’s
This weekend, the KBC LLP team walked to support the effort to end Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. It was a beautiful day to get out for an important cause and be part of the huge effort by the Westchester Community to make a difference in this fight.
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Upcoming Programs Offered By The Kensington White Plains
The Kensington White Plains will be offering the following programs in July. For more information, visit thekensingtonwhiteplains.com
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Bringing Awareness to Alzheimer’s
Did you know that nearly 7 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s? June is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, and here at Kommer Bave & Ciccone LLP we are working to raise awareness of this devastating disease. As elder law attorneys, we are acutely aware of the impact of Alzheimer’s and other dementias on the individuals and the families we represent, and many of us have our own personal stories of how our lives have been touched by Alzheimer’s.
Alzheimer’s is a cause close to the heart of Managing Partner Patty Bave, Esq. After her father passed from Alzheimer’s 34 years ago, she has made it a personal mission to support families dealing with this disease. This year, along with leading the KBC LLP Team at the Westchester Walk to End Alzheimer’s, she has also joined the Walk’s Executive Leadership Team. In this role, Patty meets with like-minded professionals under the direction of the Alzheimer’s Association to find new and creative ways to raise money and awareness around Alzheimer’s. The money raised by the Walk goes to support the families locally who are struggling with a family member with the disease as well as to the research efforts for a cure.
To learn more about why we walk, visit our Westchester Walk to End Alzheimer’s page.
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June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, 10 percent of older adults experience some form of abuse each year. In addition to physical harm, elder abuse can also encompass financial exploitation, neglect, and emotional abuse. Older adults who experience abuse are more likely to suffer depression, physical injuries, cognitive decline, and premature death.
To raise awareness of this issue, the World Health Organization at the United Nations has declared June 15th as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, here are five things everyone can do to build community support and prevent elder abuse:
- Learn the signs of elder abuse and how we can solve the issue together.
- Prevent isolation. Call or visit our older loved ones and ask how they are doing on a regular basis.
- Talk to friends and family members about how we can all age well and reduce abuse with programs and services like law enforcement, community centers, and public transportation.
- Sign up to be a friendly visitor to an older person in our communities.
- Send a letter to a local paper, radio or TV station suggesting that they cover World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (June 15) or Grandparents Day in September.
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Joann D’Emilio, Esq. to Speak on Elder Law and Estate Planning
Joann D’Emilio, Esq., senior associate attorney with Kommer Bave & Ciccone LLP, has been invited to speak at the Ardsley Senior Center on June 12th about Elder Law and Estate Planning. With her practice focusing on Trusts and Estates, Elder Law, and Special Needs matters she has extensive experience in developing estate plans.
During this hour-long presentation for the Ardsley Seniors, Ms D’Emilio will give an overview of estate planning, why estate planning is important, and what one should consider when putting together a plan. She will highlight the different documents that are included in a comprehensive estate plan, including details on what each document type accomplishes. She will also talk about planning options for Medicaid and long-term care, including asset protection strategies.
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New York State Law Now Allows One to Name a Beneficiary on a Deed
Effective July 19, 2024, New Yorkers will be able to file the newly authorized “Transfer on Death” deed form. This new form allows an individual to designate their property deed to transfer to one or more beneficiaries upon their death – without the property needing to go through probate. This deed is revocable, and only goes into effect at the individual’s death. Therefore the beneficiary has no legal ownership of the property before that time. As a note, the beneficiary of the property is still subject to all mortgages, liens, and other interests to which the property is subject at the time of the death of the transferor.
It is recommended that before filing a Transfer on Death deed the individual first consult with their attorney. Our Estate Planning Attorneys are well versed in the New York State Real Property Law, and can help you decide if this option is right for your specific situation.
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Regina Matos, Esq. Presents Estate Planning Webinar
Regina Matos, Esq., an associate with Kommer Bave & Ciccone LLP, recently presented a webinar on “Estate Planning: Terms & Concepts in Plain English” for the Senior Law Day Collaborative. The Senior Law Day Collaborative offers free educational seminars on elder law, financial planning and geriatric care management. As a Collaborative Member, Ms Matos volunteers her time and expertise on Elder Law to the organization.
During the webinar, Ms Matos broke down the most common estate planning terms and concepts into more understandable language. Along with discussing the legal documents that should be included in an estate plan, she also took the time to talk through what happens with someone’s estate after their death. The visual flow chart she shared with them was very much appreciated by the attendees.
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New Property Condition Disclosure Statement
Important update for future home sellers!
As of March 20, 2024, any seller of residential real property in New York will no longer be able to provide their buyer with a $500 credit in lieu of the Property Condition Disclosure Statement. This Statement requires sellers to disclose specific information about any past flooding, prior issues with any systems, and more. (Unless the seller is under one of the exemptions to this rule, such as an estate or a trust.)
If you have any questions about whether your contract will be impacted by this change, don’t hesitate to give us a call: (914) 633-7400.