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Recent Successes And News: Month: November 2020
Webinar: Benefits Overview from Westchester County Veterans Service Agency
Wednesday, November 11th
10:00 – 11:00
Register for this FREE webinar for Seniors & their Families: http://bit.ly/WestVeterans
(Dial-in by phone also available; numbers obtained on registration or by calling and leaving a message for Paul at 914.231.3227)
The Westchester County Veterans Service Agency services veterans, dependents and survivors, along with those currently serving, by providing trained and Accredited Veterans Service Officers (VSO), This webinar will review the VSO program, which provides advice on Veterans Federal, State and County benefits and assists those eligible with filing the necessary claims. We will cover pensions, burial benefits, vocational rehabilitation, healthcare, real property tax exemption and several other veterans benefit areas.
Speaker: Charlotte Trotter, Deputy Director of the Westchester County Veterans Service Agency
Limited to first 100 participants