Car Accidents
Our clients that are injured in a car accident are in pain and worry about their future. They are not sure if their medical bills will be paid or if they can support their family while they recover from their injuries. The entire experience can be overwhelming. Our lawyers' ability to manage your case and aggressively prosecute your car accident claim will make sure that you and your family receive the compensation you deserve.
Trip/Slip Fall Accidents
If you are the victim of a slip or trip and fall accident it is important to retain an attorney at once. These accidents require immediate investigation to identify the property owner and to document the cause of your fall. Photographs should be taken of the hazardous condition. It is crucial to determine how long the condition existed and whether the owner knew or should have known of its existence.
Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle accident cases present unique challenges. Clients fearful of how they will find treatment, let alone pay for their medical bills, will be put at ease. Part of our case management involves attending to your medical expenses. We will assist in communicating with insurance companies and the medical professionals caring for you. Following your motorcycle accident, our lawyers will conduct a thorough investigation to establish liability.

Our personal injury clients are usually in pain and fearful of the future.
If you have been injured in an accident or due to someone’s negligence, you need an experienced, aggressive advocate and effective attorney to handle your personal injury claim while you focus on treatment for your injuries. Call us at 914-600-3964 to schedule a free consultation with an experienced attorney. If you have suffered an injury let our attorneys determine what action is warranted.
Our Personal Injury Attorneys handle accident cases regularly with excellent results through a team approach in which the partner, associate attorney and paralegal assigned to each case work together to aggressively pursue the responsible party and any available insurance coverage. Our lawyers represent clients injured in many different types of accidents including:
With our main office in White Plains, NY, and satellite offices by appointment in Manhattan, Scarsdale, Mt. Kisco, Greenwich, and Stamford, CT, our attorneys are available to represent clients located in Westchester Counties, Rockland County, Putnam County, and the New York Metropolitan area.
Frequently Asked Questions
Answer: If an accident occurs and a person is injured or there is damage to the vehicles, call 911 at once. Identify the other driver and vehicle and obtain their contact information. Identify any witness to the accident and make sure to get their name and phone number. A police report should be filed and you should review it carefully to make sure it is accurate. Do not admit liability, as this is a legal matter and should be properly investigated to determine fault. It is important to take photos of the vehicles, the roadway and any injuries you sustain.